How To Create Sales Page Copy In Minutes

I need you to stop what you’re doing because THIS has rocked my world and you NEED to see this sooner rather than later as it’s going to change EVERYTHING!

I’m pretty sure that you, like me, went into business because you wanted to earn a (flexible) living doing what you love, NOT because you wanted to become a marketeer. Yet we’ve found ourselves spending waaaay more time than we’d like on creating sales copy, social media posts, email marketing, launch campaigns and so on and so on.

Well, last week I was introduced to an incredible product created by Menekse Stewart which integrates with the developer arm of CHATGPT ( If you’ve had a play, and been impressed with ChatGPT, then what Menekse has created is going to blow your mind, as it takes that capability to a whole new level.

My love of genius tips and tricks to work smarter not harder and my automation geek are literally buzzing with excitement because the MARKETING MAGIC DASHBOARDS enable us to create end-to-end marketing assets in a matter of minutes so that we can spend more of our time working with our clients and helping them to make progress, instead of spending huge chunks of time, energy and effort on our marketing.

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It’s not techie, it runs via a Google Sheet and it doesn’t matter what online platforms you’re using, you simply take the copy and use it wherever you need.

Anyway, let me show you. Watch this episode and and let me know what you think.

If you want to watch the full webinar where Menekse explains how it works in more detail you can WATCH IT HERE

If you’re already liking the sound of what you hear and want to go straight to the
product sales page then IT’S HERE

If you’ve got any questions about whether using the MARKETING MAGIC DASHBOARDS would be right for you, then just drop me an email, or come and join the conversation on my socials.