

Practical, personalised support
to monetise your knowledge and expertise 


Are you ready to create work/life balance with an emphasis on life?

Thought so, and that’s exactly why Choose Freedom was created…

to give you the inspiration, strategies, support, and accountability that you need to create a thriving online learning business without all the tears and tantrums

Choose Freedom is not just about learning, it's about living!

Let me help you to SIMPLIFY EVERYTHING and empower you to build a business that feels joyful and effortless, so that you can create impact and income without sacrificing your life.

When You choose freedom...

I’ll teach you how to say goodbye to trading your time for money, and hello to turning your knowledge and expertise into valuable assets so that you can build sustainable and scaleable wealth and impact.

I’ll help you to ditch the overwhelm by simplifying your systems and processes so you can reclaim your time and focus on what matters most to you.

I’ll show you how to master the art of selling with ease and authenticity, and create a steady flow of clients who value your work.

let's be clear, Choose Freedom is NOT another course

Yet another course that you’re not going to finish let alone put into practice is not what you need right now, the real magic happens when you take what you already know and take action.

It’s really important to me that you make regular progress towards creating the lifestyle that you want while working with me. Whether you want to be generating an extra couple of hundred in recurring income a month, or you’re looking to replace a full time income while only working part-time, if I’m not guiding you to make that happen, then I’m not adding value, and that doesn’t sit well with me.

Now it’s no surprise that when you work with me 1:1 you achieve your goals waaay quicker than if you’re left to your own devices, because working 1:1 creates focus and accountability for action. When I know what you’re working towards I can give you bite-sized action plans, keep you on track, signpost the content that you need, and make sure that you’re not making things more complicated than they need be.

However, large numbers of 1:1 sessions are not sustainable for me, and for you, they’re great for shorter periods of time when you want to fast-track or get super strategic, but are a bit overkill over the long term. 

Choose Freedom is a dynamic hybrid model that harmoniously blends self-paced progress with the tailored touch of 1:1 support.

To ensure that you receive the attention you need and deserve, the number of people in Choose Freedom will always be capped at 50 individuals. This intentional limit allows me to delve into understanding you and your business on a personal level, so that I can facilitate a clear pathway on what steps you need to take next to propel you forward.

This way, 
you won’t just be a face in the crowd, you won’t get left behind, and we can foster a close-knit community where every member matters, and personalised guidance isn’t a premium—it’s a promise.

Choose Freedom seamlessly blends the empowerment of self-paced progress with the tailored touch of 1:1 support

Achieve With Ease

Our bi-monthly get-together is designed to be more than just a meeting, each session is totally freestyle to allow you to explore your ideas, navigate your challenges, discover innovative solutions, and verbally process your thoughts in a supportive environment.

It’s about building relationships, exploring your energetic design, making sense of the madness that is working for yourself, and drawing from the well of collective wisdom. We’ll help you to recharge your entrepreneurial spirit, spark fresh solutions, and give you that extra nudge of confidence that you need to  do epic shit.

Each quarter, a custom-crafted action plan will wing it’s way to you after a quick review of where you are and where you’re headed. Each goal is broken down into step-by-step guidance to keep your sails tightly tacked towards success.

Because your time is precious, your plan comes fully loaded with handy shortcut links that lead  directly to the relevant learning, resources and tutorials required to get the task done. Then I’ll be on hand via WhatsApp each week to encourage you to take consistent aligned action and keep you from drifting. 

We know that who you hang around with matters which is why community and connection lie at the heart of Choose Freedom. When you’re forging a path that’s different to the norm the right support network is crucial.

Our community is a fun, supportive, collaborative space where you can ask for help, share your wins, learn from the collective wisdom, and simply hang out with the most excellent people who share your vision.

Every month, we’ll bridge any knowledge or skill gaps you might be facing with our live masterclasses and workshops. Plus you’ll get multiple tips and tricks to help leverage your time, impact and income.

If you miss a session, 
you can catch up or revisit whenever you wish as each one is recorded and added to Base Camp. And our user-friendly app allows on-demand access to all the resources, making it convenient for you to learn and progress at your own pace and at a time that suits you.

“Becs does magic. Plain and simple and a fact. She somehow manages to help people effortlessly make connections, release mental blockages and find their passion. People get excited and motivated about their immediate future and feel empowered when they’re around Becs. And not only that – she knows how to have fun doing what you love. I could not recommend working with her highly enough. But we warned – just one conversation could lead to your wildest dreams coming true. It did for me…”


got questions?

Absolutely. We take for granted the things that we know or the things that come naturally to us and forget that people will happily pay us for our expertise or to help them with our skills.  Your “oh that? Doesn’t everybody know/do that?” genius has the potential to be life changing for others, don’t deny them that opportunity!

While running an online business isn’t for technophobes, you can absolutely keep it super simple when it comes to systems. I’ve been working in the online space for over 14yrs and have used all manner of software and systems and the ones that I recommend using are designed to be intuitive to non techy users. PLUS I’m well known for my ability to simplify processes, eliminate overwhelm and show you step by step what to do, so you’re in safe hands.

Launching an online learning business is not a flash in the pan strategy, it’s a long term business model and there’s no deadline on when you have to have everything up and running.  As long as you’re a member then you’ll have access to the content, live sessions, and support, but you work on what you need to when you need to. Everyone works at their own pace, in manageable steps – progress is progress.

Churning out content for people to buy and not giving a shit whether they put that learning into practice doesn’t sit well with me (and if that’s your goal then this probs isn’t for you!) because knowledge in and of itself will not move you forward, you need to put that knowledge to work. Choose Freedom doesn’t just give you access to range of courses, resources and workshops, you get a personalised action plan every quarter with step by step guidance to keep you focused and making progress, direct access to me via WhatsApp to keep you accountable, live group sessions where you can troubleshoot, ask questions and sense check your ideas, PLUS there are opportunities for learning, connection and collaboration within the community.

Abso-blooming-lutely! I’m pretty sure that you’ve got enough knowledge to create a lead magnet, perhaps even a mini course or masterclass, just lying around on your laptop and those won’t be helping you to build your business if they don’t see the light of day.  So come and join us if you want to quit procrastinating and put them to work.

When you sign up to work with me it’s on a rolling monthly basis with no minimum term so you’re free to cancel (or upgrade/downgrade) at any time. But, if I do my job properly then you’ll be saving yourself time and effort, having a great time, AND making more money, so staying a member of our family will be a bit of a no brainer. 

How quickly you implement your action plan(s) is totally up to you. If you want some more dedicated support to fast track your progress then book in for a brew so that we can discuss whether one of my programmes, or 1:1 support would be better for you.  You’ll still get access to all the juicy content and the support of the community, but you’ll also get more time with me to ensure that you stay focused on the things that will move you more quickly towards your goals.

they say that you can’t choose your family…
but we do things differently round here!