How To Create Custom & Trackable Links

One of the things that you will hear me say on a regular basis, is to “control your controllables”, and one of the ways that you can do that is to create custom and trackable links for all of your online business bits.

By using custom & trackable links you’re going to get a much better understanding of what activities, posts, or partners are working best to drive traffic to your website.

Creating custom & trackable links is especially useful if you’re running promotions (which is handy with Black Friday & Christmas on the horizon!!) as you’ll be able to keep track of how much traffic is landing on your sales pages from various sources, which in turn let’s you know where to focus your efforts and just how much more promotional activity you’ll need to drum up to generate enough traffic to hit your conversion rates.

When you’re regularly using custom and trackable links you’ll be generating invaluable data for your business that will enable you to plan, build and execute higher performing campaigns time after time.

In this episode of BMTV, I’m going to show you 3 tools that you can use to create custom and trackable links for free.

If you found this episode useful, please do let me know, and if you’ve got any questions that you’d like me to cover in future episodes, either drop me an email, or come and join the conversation on my socials.