4 Tools To Help You To Write Your Copy...

I don’t know about you, but there’s A LOT going on inside my head ALL OF THE TIME, in fact I’ve joked in the past about how it would be great to be able switch my brain off every now and then as the constant thoughts and ideas can get quite overwhelming at times.

But, even though there’s a whole lot going on up there, I can often find it REALLY hard, I mean much harder than it should be, to get the contents from my brain into a comprehensible format and out onto paper.

As a Manifesting Generator (in Human Design) I find it far easier to use my voice to create so I will often dictate my thoughts in order to create my written copy, but I also have a couple of other short cuts that I use to help me formulate what I’m trying to say.

So if you’ve ever struggled to find the words, here are 4 tools that will help you to banish those blank pages…

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